To make sure all visitors of Bacchus Wine Festival have a great day, the house rules below apply.
Bacchus Wine Festival welcomes people of all ages. Visitors under 18 are only allowed on the festival site under strict guidance of parents or other adult persons.
Alcohol and tobacco are prohibited for visitors under 18.
Every visitor must have a valid ticket.
Having or trading soft and hard drugs is prohibited at the festival. Non-compliance with these rules is followed with seizure and/or transfer to the police.
Smoking is prohibited inside the tents and at the playground.
Visitors are obliged to follow all instructions and/or regulations of (security) employees of Bacchus Wine Festival at any time.
Visitors who do not abide by the house rules of Bacchus Wine Festival will be denied access to the festival site. This will be done without the right to compensation of the entrance ticket and any purchased services, tokens or other costs.
Our security employees will, when needed, search visitors and check (hand) bags. The following pieces are prohibited to bring to the festival site: glass, plastic bottles, cans, fireworks, drugs, (fire)weapons, every other dangerous or prohibited substance or object, food, (alcoholic) drinks. There is an exception for baby bottles and related articles.
Dogs are only allowed on a leash. When dogs are aggressive, the owner needs to leave the festival together with the dog. Dogs are not allowed to do their needs on the festival site. If this does happen, the owner is obliged to clean it. If, in any way, costs are made by Bacchus Wine Festival regarding above mentioned topics, the dog owner will be charged.
Entering the festival site is at the own risk of the visitor. Bacchus Wine Festival does not accept any responsibility for any damage, by whomsoever, which are directly or indirectly the result of the act or negligence of
Bacchus Wine Festival, of all employees at her service, or any other persons which are put to work on her behalf, or third parties, during or in connection with their stay at the festival site, unless the damage is the result of demonstrable intent or gross negligence.
It is not allowed to wear discriminating clothing or to carry any other discriminatory statements at the festival.
Urinating outside the designated toilets is forbidden.
Abuse, threats, discrimination, sexual harassment or any other disruptive behavior is prohibited.
The distribution of samples and flyers is prohibited without any written permission of Bacchus Wine Festival.
Making professional audio or video tapes is prohibited without any written permission of Bacchus Wine Festival.
When entering and leaving Bacchus Wine Festival visitors cannot cause any inconvenience to the local residents or other visitors of the Amsterdam Forest.
Bottles, glasses and/or cups are the property of Bacchus Wine Festival and it is therefore not allowed to take them outside the festival site.
Already purchased tokens cannot be returned.
The event can be moved, changed or cancelled. In that case ticket owners can claim the return of their money, excluding service costs.